The following was taken from the introduction to Heaven on Earth, written by Sharifa Oppenheimer.
"OUR CHILDREN ARE, in the words of Kahlil Gibran, the gift of Life's longing for Itself. They
run toward Life, arms open, and Life loves Itself through their small bodies. Pressing
themselves into sand, sifting dirt, watching an inchworm measure a branch, reaching toward the
black cat, who evades, then looks at them through inscrutable green eyes.... it is their biological
imperative to reach toward Life, and we, their caregivers, must structure the way in which Life
reaches back, the way they are touched in return.
They need to be touched by grass, flowers, sunshine, birdsong. They need a pile of dirt, and
earthworms, clay for mud pies and dirt balls for target practice. They need sticks and bare feet,
tubbed toes too. They need songs, stories, paints, costumes. And games that go on without end.
These children are Life reaching out to discover Itself. What they touch must be vibrantly
alive, that in growing they mey learn to respect, to nurture, to cherish and protect. This is our
task ; it is urgent they thrive.
They are Hope itself, here, now, forever. "
Very powerful words.