Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Business as usual


nepenthe n. 1. a drug or draught ( or the plant yielding it ) mentioned by ancient writers as

capable of bringing forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble.

2. anything inducing easeful forgetfulness. Also, nepenthes : banishing sorrow.


Well, life has thrown me some enormous hurdles over the last 6 months, on top of moving interstate with 3 children on my own.
I feel, finally, that we are regaining some of our rhythm.
breathe in, breathe out
The construction of ideas and design behind "seed" has been a little slower than anticipated but I will have a 'collection' of sorts to unveil in the new year.
I am very excited at the prospect of realising a dream and seeing it come full circle.
From an idea to sketches to fabric choice to a completed garment.
My clothing has been designed thoughtfully with 'simplicity' being the focus behind the "seed" label.
Being a mum would have to my most frustrating yet soul replenishing job.
It is also my absolute inspiration, married with a desire to see less tastelessness in an environment that has been imbued with immodest, noisy clothing.


Mary said...

I cannot wait to see your creations - I hope there is something there (if not immediately then in the future) for a six and a half year old girl for whom it is difficult to find clothing which is not emblazoned with Dora or Hi 5. If it is not then it is hideously expensive!

Sam said...

sounds fascinating, I will be watching with interest!